Friday, February 8, 2019

How to prevent Cancer Naturally


Nearly 50% of cancers in the world are accounted for in Asia. The incidence of cancer in India is 10%. Every year, a large percentage of the Indian population is inflicted by cancer. The incidence of cancer in India is estimated to grow by 25% by 2020 [according to the cancer registry released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)]. It has become one of the major causes of deaths occurring in the country.

In India, there are over 13 crores cancer patients – this is double the number to that of the people with diabetes or long-standing (chronic) respiratory illness, and 4-times more than the incidence of heart disease in this country. On an average,1,300 Indians die of cancer each day.

Curcumin have the three beneficial quality as :
Piperine and lycopene also helpful in prevent Cancer

SvarnSaathi is a mouth pour formula in a sachet form. Cut open the sachet and pour the contents in the mouth and munch to enjoy as a mouth freshener. 
SVARNSAATHI have all the ingredients that prevent the cancer.

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